False Aneurysm of the Hepatic Artery with Massive Hemobilia and Jaundice

Bleeding from the biliary tree is a rare but interesting cause of massive upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. The number of reported cases of hemobilia is very small, especially if traumatic causes are eliminated. It is the purpose of this report to document the details of a single instance of massive bleeding into the biliary system, with consequent jaundice, hematemesis, and melena, all secondary to a false aneurysm of the hepatic artery, with successful treatment and recovery. Report of Case A 61-year-old white woman was treated at another hospital in 1953 for intermittent jaundice. Abdominal exploration revealed an "infiltrating hemangioendotheliosarcoma" which surrounded the common bile duct. The tumor was partially resected and a palliative cholecystojejunostomy performed. Between 1953 and 1959 she did well except for several episodes of jaundice and fever in early 1959, each of which remitted without treatment. On May 3, 1959, she entered King County Hospital for the first