Test-Retest Reliability of a standardized psychiatric interview (DIS/CIDI)

The reliability of DSM-III diagnoses using an expanded version of the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS), called the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI), was evaluated by examining 60 psychiatric inpatients on a test-retest basis. Acceptable agreement coefficients of (kappa) 0.5 or above were found for all but two disorders: dysthymic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. The sub-classification of DSM-III affective disorders also revealed some discrepancies between the test and the retest interviews. When compared with results from earlier versions of the DIS, diagnostic reliability was found to have improved for the DSM-III anxiety disorders in particular. These improvements can possibly be attributed to some changes in the wording of the respective items of this section. Several reasons for lowered test-retest reliability are discussed.

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