A computerized intervention to decrease the use of calcium channel blockers in hypertension

To determine whether a computer-assisted reminder would alter prescribing habits for the treatment of hypertension in accordance with current clinical guidelines in a general internal medicine clinic. A randomized trial. The General Internal Medicine Clinic of the Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle Division. Clinic providers were randomized to a control group (n=35) or intervention group (n=36). We targeted the providers of patients being treated for hypertension with calcium channel blockers, a class of drug not recommended for initial therapy. An automated computer query identified eligible patients and their providers. A guideline reminder was placed in the charts of patients of intervention providers; the charts of patients of control providers received no reminder. During the 5-month study period, 346 patients were seen by the 36 primary care providers (staff physicians, nurse practitioners, residents, and fellows) in the intervention group, and 373 patients were seen by the 35 providers in the control group. Intervention providers changed 39 patients (11.3%) to other medications during the study period, compared with 1 patient (p<.0001). For patients whose therapy was unchanged, providers noted angina in 23.1%, indications other than those for hypertension in 9.5%, intolerable adverse effects with first-line therapy in 13.9%, and inadequte control with first-line therapy in 13.9%. Of those patients without provider-indicated contraindications, 23.6% were switched from calcium channel blockers to first-line agents during the intervention period. The use of a computerized, clinic-based intervention increased compliance with guidelines in the treatment of primary hypertension in general, and decreased the use of calcium channel blockers for the treatment of hypertension in particular.