Broad structure intspectra from (He3,t) reactions atEHe3=130MeV: Its angle and target-mass dependence

Triton spectra from He3-induced reactions on Al27, Co59, Nb93, and Au197 targets at EHe3=130 MeV have been measured in the 7.5°θL24° angular range in 1.5° steps. The spectra exhibit a broad structure; the centroid energy Ec and the full width at half maximum Γ of this "bump" are found to be independent of the target mass number A. Their average values are E¯c=87 MeV and Γ¯=48 MeV with estimated errors of about ±2 MeV in both cases. Within the error bars the bump cross section is found to be consistent with A12 proportionality and tends to decrease exponentially with angle; however, A13 dependence cannot be excluded. In addition, the angular distributions possibly show indications for a weak oscillation pattern.