To ensure proper assessment of its weatherization activities, the Bonneville Power Administration (Bonneville) has examined several cohorts of participants in various phases of its Long-Term Residential Weatherization Program (Long-Term RWP). Beginning in 1980, energy savings one, two, and three years after program participation have been evaluated. This study, which continues the series of Bonneville's ongoing evaluation of weatherization activities, examines electricity savings three years after weatherization in the 1986 Long-Term RWP. Electricity bills were weather-adjusted using the Princeton Scorekeeping Method (PRISM). Normalized Annual Consumption (NAC) was calculated for each participant and control household for which data were available. Gross energy savings were calculated by subtracting a household's NAC for each postretrofit year (1986--87, 1986--88, and 1988--89) from its preretrofit NAC (1985--86). Household level data were aggregated and examined at the utility level allowing the calculation of average net savings, which is the difference between gross savings by nonparticipants and participants. Utility-level data were then weighted, based on the extent of each utility's participation in the Long-Term RWP in 1986, to allow the identification of overall program savings. 29 refs., 5 figs., 14 tabs.

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