This paper describes "blebs" protruding from the surface of the nucleus into the cytoplasm. The "blebs" are separated from the cytoplasm by 2 membranes which are continuous with the outer and inner nuclear membranes. The "blebs" contain 3 structurally distinct substances. Two of these substances [beta] and gamma substances) are similar to extranucleolar karyoplasm and nucleolar material. The other substance ([alpha] substance) is present in every "bleb", but it cannot be readily compared to a recognizable nuclear structure. Cytoplasmic vesicles are described that are apparently different from the Golgi vesicles or the vesicular component of the ergastoplasm. It is suggested that these vesicles may be of nuclear "bleb" origin. A dark karyoplasmic zone extending from the region of the nucleolus into the nuclear "bleb" is shown. This zone may be similar in some respects to the preformed pathway ("Leitbahn") described by Altmann (3) and Hertl (28) and could reflect movement of nuclear material from the nucleolar region into the cytoplasm. The "blebs" are thought to be homologous to structures described by many light microscopists, but they are considerably larger than the nuclear "blebs" described previously by electron microscopists.