Vinyl chloride and trichloroethylene: Comparison of alkylating effects of metabolites and induction of preneoplastic enzyme deficiencies in rat liver

[1,2-14C] Vinyl chloride and [1,2-14C] trichloroethylene were incubated with rat liver microsomes, NADPH and RNA (from yeast). Whereas trichloroethylene metabolites were irreversibly bound to proteins in microsomal incubations to a higher extent than vinyl chloride metabolites, irreversible binding to RNA was lower for trichloroethylene metabolites. Hydrolysis of the RNA which was reisolated from microsomal incubations with 14C-vinyl chloride or 14C-trichloroethylene and separation of the nucleosides showed different alkylation products arising from vinyl chloride and from trichloroethylene, characteristic for vinyl chloride being formation of 1,N6-ethenoadenosine and 3,N4-ethenocytidine. The different reactivities of metabolites of vinyl chloride and of trichloroethylene prompted a comparison of the oncogenic effects of both compounds against the rat liver cell. Newborn rats were exposed for 10 weeks to 2000 ppm vinyl chloride or trichloroethylene (8 h/day; 5 days/week). After this period livers of the animals were stained for nucleoside-5-triphosphatase. Whereas the vinyl chloride exposed rats showed focal hepatocellular deficiencies in this enzyme, which are supposed to represent an early sign of malignancy, no such changes were induced by trichloroethylene exposure. The data therefore suggest differences between the hepatocarcinogenic activity of vinyl chloride and possible effects of trichloroethylene on the liver.