Lifetimes of Some Low-Lying Levels ofCr52

The mean lifetimes of levels of Cr52 to 4.5 MeV in excitation energy have been measured by the Doppler-shift-attenuation method. States in Cr52 were populated by the reaction V51(He3,d)Cr52 at 11.0 MeV using natural vanadium targets. γ rays were detected with a 37.5-cm3 Ge(Li) detector at 30, 90, and 150° to the beam axis. The following mean lifetimes (in units of 1013 sec) were found: τ(1434keVlevel)=9.92.5+4.5, τ(2369)=15.02.5+5.0, τ(2766)=205+7, τ(2965)=6.81.9+3.2, τ(3114)>29, τ(3162)=1.20.4+0.6, τ(3414)=3.20.7+1.2, τ(3469)>50, τ(3472)>27, τ(3617)>11, τ(3947)=1.50.4+0.6, τ(4015)=8.42.5+4.6, τ(4040)=7.42.0+3.6, τ(4563)=3.90.9+1.7. The lifetime results combined with the results of previous particle-γ correlation experiments indicate Jπ=4+ and 5+ for the 3414- and 4015-keV levels, respectively.