Irradiation of krypton with deuterons of 11 Mev produces krypton activities with half-lives of 102 minutes, 4.0 hours, and about 35 hours. When selenium is bombarded with 22-Mev alpha-particles, there appear krypton activities of 114 minutes and about 33 hours. The 114-minute period coincides with that reported by other investigators as due to a krypton isotope growing out of Br83, and hence is assigned to Kr83*. The 102-minute period observed in deuteron irradiation is considered to be the same activity. Kr87, an isotope which cannot be formed from alpha-particle reactions with selenium, is probably the source of the 4.0-hour activity. The weak 33-35 hour activity is due to Kr79 or Kr81. Kr85 is presumed to have an activity long or fairly short. Irradiation of xenon with deuterons produces xenon activities of 68 minutes, 9.6 hours, and 5.4 days. Of these, the last also appears in the irradiation of tellurium with alpha-particles, and is due to Xe133. The 9.6-hour activity is assigned to Xe135. Xe137 is the most probable source of the 68-minute activity.