Three groups of balloon flights carrying unshielded boron trifluoride counters were made from geomagnetic latitudes 10.1°N, 55.1°N, and 88.6°N. From the data obtained, curves of slow-neutron intensity versus atmospheric depth for depths less than 700 millibars are plotted. The mean absorption lengths for neutrons in the equilibrium portion of the atmosphere were found to be L(10.1°)=212 g/cm2, L(55.1°)=164 g/cm2, and L(88.6°)=164 g/cm2. The depths of the neutron intensity maxima were found to be θmax(10.1°)=120±5 mb, θmax(55.1°)=100±5 mb, θmax(88.6°)=75±5 mb. From these results and those of other investigators, the variation of the mean absorption coefficient (μ=1L) and the depth of the neutron intensity maximum are plotted as functions of the geomagnetic latitude. A family of curves of neutron intensity versus atmospheric depth is drawn for geomagnetic latitudes at 10-degree intervals between 0° and 90°N, and from this the low-energy neutron capture per square centimeter per second by the N14(n, p) reaction in the atmosphere is calculated and plotted as a function of geomagnetic latitude. It is found that the observed neutron intensity varies by about 420% from 0° to 90°N. A value of 5.8×1018 sec1 is obtained for the total number of low-energy neutrons captured in the atmosphere.