Analysis of the Chinese Crisis Management Experience: Summary Report

This Summary Report presents an analysis of China's management experience from the founding of the People's Republic in 1949 through 1978. Chapter 1 presents an overview of the DARPA Crisis Management Program into which this research effort fits and shows its relations with other crisis management research being conducted by CACI for DARPA. Chapter 2 presents the methodology used to identify 386 crises of concern to the People's Republic of China, using Chinese sources; Chapter 3 presents short descriptions of these crises. Chapters 4, 5, and 6 present descriptive analyses of the characteristics of the crises that were of interest to the Chinese. Chapter 7 locates Chinese crisis concerns within the broader context of postwar international relations, while Chapter 8 illustrates some of the capabilities of the Chinese crisis characteristics component of the Executive Aid for Crisis Management, which has been developed to make these data available to policy planners and decision-makers. Appendix A evaluates the reliability and validity of the set of Chinese crises identified in the study. (Author)

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