A Study of Macrophages and Epithelioid-Like Cells from Granulomatous (BCG-Induced) Lungs of Rabbits

Summary: Techniques have been described for obtaining alveolar macrophages form granulomatous lungs in rabbits in large quantities. These macrophages demonstrate marked variations in their cytoplasmic volume suggesting that some of them may be epithelioid cells. Lysozyme analysis of the extracts indicate that the macrophages collecting in the lungs of rabbits undergoing an acute type of granulomatous response (vaccinated-challenged) contain less lysozyme than normal alveolar macrophages. In contrast, extracts from macrophages form the lungs of rabbits undergoing a chronic type of granulomatous response (vaccinated-not challenged) contain more lysozyme than normal alveolar macrophages. These data suggest that the cells in the acute type of response include cells of extrapulmonary origin which are low in lysozyme.