Laminar organization of frequency‐defined local axons within and between the inferior colliculi of the guinea pig

We present a comprehensive description of the local (intrinsic and commissural) connections in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculi (CNICs) in guinea pig. Focal injections of the anterograde tracer biocytin were made into physiologically identified loci of the CNIC and the spatial organisation of the labeled fibres was revealed with computer‐assisted threedimensional (3‐D) reconstruction. The intrinsic fibres form a series of V‐shaped laminar plexuses composed of fibres bearing both terminal and en passant boutons. Each laminar plexus has a central wing located in the CNIC that extends into the dorsal cortex and an external wing located in the external cortex. The edge where the two wings intersect delimits the lateral border of the central nucleus with the external cortex. The density of labeled terminals was consistently lower in the cortices than in the CNIC. The laminar plexus connects points of similar frequency within the CNIC. Seen in 3‐D, the location, orientation, shape, and area of the laminar plexus vary as a function of best frequency. The commissural fibres ending in the contralateral IC to the injection also form a laminar plexus which is symmetrical to the ipsilateral plexus. Electrolytic lesions placed in the contralateral IC at sites with best frequencies corresponding to those of the injection coincided with the terminals of the commissural fibres in most instances. Possible patterns for the organisation of these connections (point‐to‐point and diverging) are discussed. Three systems of peripheral axons to the laminar plexus are described: parallel, oblique, and perpendicular to the central wing. The novel parallel system has terminals in both ICs that run parallel to the central wing. It might constitute the anatomical basis for across‐frequency interactions. The oblique and perpendicular systems are fibres of passage projecting to the commissure and brachium of the IC, respectively.