Neuroprotective Effect of Hypothermia in Cortical Cultures Exposed to Oxygen‐Glucose Deprivation or Excitatory Amino Acids

We examined the effect of moderate hypothermia (30°C) on neuronal injury in murine cortical cell cultures. Lowering the temperature during and after a period of oxygen‐glucose deprivation reduced both the release of glutamate to the bathing medium and accompanying neuronal degeneration. Hypothermia immediately after brief exposure to high concentrations of NMDA or glutamate also reduced the resulting neuronal degeneration. This protective effect was not eliminated when MK‐801 and 6‐cyano‐7‐nitroquinoxaline‐2,3‐dione were added immediately after washout of the exogenously added excitotoxin, suggesting that it was mediated by actions additional to reduction of endogenous late glutamate release. Hypothermia applied only during exposure to NMDA or glutamate, whether brief or prolonged, did not reduce subsequent cytosolic calcium accumulation or neuronal degeneration, suggesting that the postsynaptic induction of NMDA receptor‐mediated excitotoxicity is not sensitive to temperature reduction. However, hypothermia during prolonged S‐α‐amino‐3‐hydroxy‐5‐methyl‐4‐isoxazolepropionic acid or kainate exposure did reduce neuronal degeneration.