Since 1933, out of a series of over 1,600 cases of acne in women more than 15 years of age, we have been able to collect 13 instances of an unusual pyodermic process localized on the face. Reports in the available literature and in standard textbooks on dermatology defining this condition are conspicuous by their absence, although a few cases somewhat similar to' ours, which we shall discuss subsequently, have been recorded. This condition, to which we have assigned the term "pyoderma faciale," is a cutaneous disease characterized by a sudden, fulminating onset of pyoderma in young women who are usually in their early twenties. It is localized definitely on the face—the chin, cheeks and forehead bearing the brunt of the attack. A history of clinical signs of previous or associated acne vulgaris cannot be elicited from more than half the patients. SYMPTOMS The disease is characterized by an intense