Effect of Collisions on the Magnetoconductivity Tensor of a Quantum Plasma

The effect on the quantum magnetoconductivity tensor of the scattering of electrons by thermal phonons and lattice imperfections is taken into account by the introduction of a phenomenological relaxation time τ. This is accomplished by introducing into the equation of motion of the single-particle density matrix ρ, a term τ1{ρρ0(HK(t))}. HK(t) is the entire kinetic part of the Hamiltonian, including the time-dependent vector potential, and ρ0(HK(t)) is the equilibrium value of the density matrix appropraite to a system in which the Hamiltonian is held fixed for all time at the value which HK(t) has at time t. It is demonstrated that the results obtained in this work reduce to the known semiclassical conductivity tensor in the appropriate limit.