Summary Immune phagocytosis experiments were carried out with latex particles modified with common antigen (CA) of enteric bacteria. (1) Latex particles modified with CA (ethanol soluble fraction) of enteric bacteria other than E. coli O14 are opsonized in the presence of CA antibodies for phagocytosis by rabbit peritoneal polymorphonuclear leukocytes. (2) CA antibodies also opsonize latex particles treated with the ethanol insoluble CA from E coli O14. (3) Latex particles modified with crude supernate of enteric bacteria other than E. coli O14 are poorly opsonized by the same CA antisera. (4) Lipopolysaccharide and its lipoid A component interfere with opsonization by CA antibodies. (5) Latex particles modified with both CA (ethanol soluble fraction) and lipopolysaccharide or lipoid A absorb CA antibodies equally well as particles treated with CA alone.

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