Lung Function in Children with Recurrent Bronchitis

Lung function was studied in 29 children suffering from recurrent bronchitis (average number of bronchitis attacks per year: 4.2 ± 0.5). Most of them (73%) were 1–7 years old. The date of exploration in relation to the last acute bronchitis was on average 6 weeks. Lung mechanics, residual functional capacity, blood gases and regional lung function were measured. Most of the children were suffering from some kind of functional disorder; alteration of lung mechanics – increase of lung resistance (22/29) decrease of dynamic compliance (15/23); increase of functional residual capacity (6/10), non specific bronchial hypersensitivity (12/17); regional ventilatory and perfusion malfunction. These functional disorders could be the first evidence of the bronchial lesions which cause chronic obstructive bronchitis in adults.