Acute effects on plasma lipids in the rat of a new long-acting nicotinic acid derivative: LG 13979

The effects on plasma lipids and nicotinic acid concentrations of a single dose of 2-(3-pyridinecarbonylamino)-2-deoxy-1,3,4,6 dihydrogen-D-glucose tetra-3-pyridinecarboxylate (LG 13979) compared with the effects of nicotinic acid and of its known derivatives niceritrol and sorbinicate, at the same doses, were studied in the fasted rat. Results show that LG 13979 has more prolonged activity on plasma free fatty acids and triglycerides, with longer lasting and more intense activity on plasma cholesterol than these three reference standards. Free fatty acid rebound occurs after administration of nicotinic acid and niceritrol, but not after LG 13979. This pharmacodynamic profile may be explained on the basis of the kinetics of nicotinic acid plasma concentrations, which are low, constant and lasting after LG 13979 administration.