Management of Recurrent Priapism With Epinephrine Self-Injection and Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogue

A case of recurrent priapism in a young black man without sickle cell anemia is reported. Due to almost daily episodes of prolonged painful erections, the patient was instructed in intracorporeal injection using an epinephrine self-injection kit, which provided complete detumescence on 31 occasions. The patient refused surgical intervention and was treated with monthly intra-muscular gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue. Priapism episodes completely abated by the second and final monthly gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue injection without recurrence during 4 months of followup. Normal erectile function was maintained during and after gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue therapy. Epinephrine self-injection and gonadotropin-releasing priapism.