Histological study of malignant gliomas after local treatment with 5Fu-polymer composite.

We have conducted interstitial chemotherapy for malignant brain tumors with slowly releasing anticancer drugs-polymer composites. We administerd either ACNU-composite or 5Fu-composite at the time of the operation in treating of 123 cases of malignant tumors. In 5Fu-composite cases, a severe local brain edema was seen in and around composite. It is thougt that this edema is due to the occurence of focal leucoencephalopathy of cause of 5Fu. This study presents the morphological change of glioma after local treatment with anticancer drugs-polymer. 6 cases of malignant gliomas, 5 glioblastoma and 1 anaplastic astrocytoma, were reoperated after this treatment. Histological exsamination revealed, (1) marked tumor tissue necrosis and no tumor cell around the drugs-polymer, (2) The viable tumor cells were seen around the tumor vessels.

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