Outcome after Hip Fracture in Different Health Care Districts: Rehabilitation of 837 consecutive patients in primary care 1986–88

The social and functional outcome for 837 consecutive hip fracture patients rehabilitated in primary care was studied during 1986–1988. Of patients coming from their own home (59%) the majority (76%) were back at home four months after fracture and had a good functional status, while 9% were dead. Predictors of managing ADL (dressing/personal hygiene) four months after hip fracture were age, type of fracture, sex, and having regular social contacts outside the home before fracture. Health care districts differed in the incidence of hip fractures, the patients hospital stay, housing, type of fracture, and age. These differences had consequences on costs. Total costs per patient were lowest in districts where most of the patients were discharged to their own homes. No significant differences in fracture incidence were seen between rural and urban primary health care districts.