The role of mammography in evaluating patients with early carcinoma of the breast for tylectomy and radiation therapy.

The value of mammography in treatment planning for early breast cancer following excisional biopsy was studied in 38 patients. One-third of the post-biopsy mammograms yielded information useful for therapy or follow-up, specifically the presence or absence of gross residual tumor and detection of occult lesions in the opposite breast or axillary nodes. They also proved valuable as base-line studies, since scars seen on post-therapy mammograms may simulate new or recurrent tumor. Approximately half of the post-biopsy studies were nondiagnostic because of dense parenchyma or biopsy-related distortion. Four were considered falsely positive for residual tumor. Mammography evidently can contribute significantly to the management of patients undergoing tylectomy and primary radiotherapy for breast cancer.

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