Inclusive strange-resonance production inpp,π+p, andK+pinteractions at 147 GeV/c

We have studied the inclusive production of K*±(890) and Y*±(1385) in pp, π+p, and K+p interactions at 147 GeV/c. The experiment used the Fermilab 30-inch hydrogen bubble chamber with the hybrid spectrometer system. Results are based on a sample of 1916 observed KS and 932 observed A. Inclusive cross sections are given for K*± and Y*± production from the three beams, and comparisons are made with experiments at other energies. Feynman-x and transverse-momentum-squared distributions are also calculated. The results suggest that the K* is entirely produced in the central region, while the K*+ includes a component from beam fragmentation. Comparisons are made with the additive quark model.