The Experimental Transmission of Pinta, Mal del Pinto or Carate to the Rabbit

The scrotal skins of 4 black rabbits were inoc. intraderm. with saline-diluted, treponema-laden serous fluid expressed from an initial pinta lesion. A papule appeared at the site of injn. in one rabbit on the 105th day. This showed a circular erosion with an indurated base on the 115th day. Fluid expressed from it showed treponemata in the dark field, and these were easily impregnated by the Fontana-Tribon-deau method. A volunteer injd. with fluid from the rabbit''s lesion develpd. a pinta lesion at the injn. site, proving the rabbit''s scrotal lesion was caused by Treponema careteum or T. herrejoni, the causal agent of pinta, mal de pinto or carate.

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