Infections of the musculoskeletal system: high-field-strength MR imaging.

Twenty-two ptients with clinical findings consistent with osteomyelitis, soft-tissue infection, or both were studied with magnetic resonance (MRI) imaging at 1.5 T. Another 15 patients with joint effusion but no clinical or laboratory signs of infection served as controls. Soft-tissue abscesses, osteomyelitis, joint and tendon sheath effusion, and cellulitis were well depicted on MR imaging, allowing the correct diagnosis of presence and extent of infection in all but two cases. MR imaging was as sensitive as technetium-99m methylene diphosphonate bone scintigraphy in demonstrating osteomyelitis and was more specific and more sensitive than other scintigraphic techniques demonstrating soft-tissue infections, primarily because of its superior spatial resolution. Computed tomography, performed in seven cases, was as accurate as MR imaging in demonstrating bone and soft-tissue infections. Infected and noninfected synovial effusions had the same signal intensity, but associated findings such as soft-tissue fluid collections or osteomyelitis made the distinction possible.