I document a new mechanism for behavioral thermoregulation, not previously described in animals, called reflectance basking. This behavior, described here for Pieris butterflies, involves the use of the wings as solar reflectors that reflect solar radiation onto the body to increase body temperature. Results show that Pieris require thoracic (body) temperature. between 29° and 40° C in order to take off and fly, and achieve these elevated temperatures by basking. Diurnal patterns of population flight activity are closely correlated with patterns of body temperature during basking. Behavioral studies indicate that 1) Pieris orient to solar radiation, 2) they use thermoregulatory postures consistent with reflectance basking, and 3) they do not use the basking postures found in other Pierid butterflies (i.e., the Coliadinae). There are consistent differences in wing angles used in reflectance basking between Pieris in different subgenera. Results are discussed with respect to thermoregulation and wing color in other Pierid butterflies, and suggest that a re-evaluation of the functional significance of melanization in Pieris is needed.