Selection Methods in US Establishments

Data on a nationally representative sample of US establishments reveal that letters of reference are the most common approach to screening and selecting applicants for employment. Physical examinations, skills/proficiency tests, and tests for drug and/or alcohol use are used by substantial minorities of workplaces; very few draw on intelligence/personality tests. Multilevel analyses demonstrate that organizational, environmental, and occupational properties are related to the five staffing methods Organizations display clear propensities to rely on a given method for selecting employees for different occupations, but there are substantial occupational variations in selection practices as well Differences are especially strong for physical examinations and drug/ alcohol tests, which are apt to be required in large, formalized establishments within multisite complexes; in unionized workplaces, and in non-managerial occupations In addition, drug tests are more often required when an establishment has a separate personnel/labor relations department, and when a large percentage of the employees in an occupation is male.