Ferroelectric and optical properties of Pb5Ge3O11 and its isomorphous compound Pb5Ge2SiO11

The temperature characteristics of dielectric constants, spontaneous polarization, thermal-expansion coefficients, indices of refraction, and optical rotatory power of Pb5Ge3O11 single crystals have been investigated in detail from room temperature up to above the Curie temperature, 177°C. From the results of these measurements, the following constants were obtained: linear thermal-expansion coefficients (αa)F=7.75×10−6/deg°C and (αc)F=7.79×10−6/deg°C (ferroelectric phase), (αa)P=13.8×10−6/deg°C and (αc)P=13.4×10−6/deg°C (paraelectric phase); quadratic electro-optic constants g33T=0.47×108 cm4 /C2, g13T=0.37×108 cm4 /C2; and electrogyration coefficient γ33 =8.7 cm2/C. An isomorphous compound Pb5(Ge2O7)(SiO4) was synthesized and was found to be ferroelectric with T c=60°C and Ps=1.7 μC/cm2 at room temperature. Ferroelectric properties and electrogyration coefficient were studied in the solid-solution system Pb5(Ge2O7)(GeO4)1−x (SiO4)x.