Permeability of fault gouge under confining pressure and shear stress

The permeability of both clay‐rich and non‐clay gouges, as well as several pure clays, was studied as a function of confining pressures from 5 to 200 MPa and shear strain to 10. Permeability ranged over four orders of magnitude, from around 10−22 to 10−18 m2 (1 darcy = 0.987 × 10−12 m2). The lowest values were characteristic of the montmorillonite‐rich and finer grained non‐clay gouges. Illite, kaolinite, and chlorite had intermediate permeabilities, while the highest values were typical of the serpentine and coarser grained non‐clay gouges. Grain size was an important factor in determining permeability, particularly for the clay‐rich samples. The coarse grained gouges were the most permeable and decreased in permeability after shearing. Conversely, the fine grained gouges had characteristically lower permeabilities that did not vary significantly after various amounts of shearing. The permeabilities of the non‐clay samples were not significantly different than those of the clays. Therefore, comminuted rock flours can be equally as effective in reducing the flow of water as the characteristically low permeability clay gouges. The strengths of the samples were quite variable. The non‐clay gouges were consistently the strongest, with yield points (beginning of nonelastic behavior) around 850 MPa, while montmorillonite had an anomalously low strength in relation to all the other gouges at 250 MPa. Strength of the saturated samples under drained (low pore pressure) conditions did not correlate with high or low permeability. However, the low permeabilities of these gouges could be a factor in the measured low shear stresses along fault regions if excess pore pressures were created as a result of shearing or compaction, and this pressure was unable to dissipate through a thick section of the material.