Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (nclf), a new disorder of the mouse linked to chromosome 9

The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs) comprise a set of at least 6 distinct human and an unknown number of animal diseases characterized by storage of proteolipids in lysosomes of many cell types. By unknown mechanisms, this accumulation leads to or is associated with severe neuronal and retinal degeneration. The genes for 3 human NCLs, infantile, late infantile, and juvenile, have been cloned. The first murine form of NCL, the motor neuron degeneration (mnd) mouse, has been described and mapped to proximal Chromosome 8. Here we describe a second genetic variant of NCL in the mouse, neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, nclf. These mice exhibited a phenotype that was almost exactly the same as that observed in mnd/mnd mice. Homozygous nclf mice developed progressive retinal atrophy early in life and become paralyzed at around 9 months of age. They accumulated luxol fast blue staining material in cytoplasm of neurons and many other cell types. Ultrastructurally, affected lysosomes had a “finger print pattern” with membranous material arranged in “pentalaminar” patterns. Affected mice developed severe cerebral gliosis in late stages of their disease. They also had severe Wallerian degeneration of long tracts in spinal cord and brain stem, lesions that accounted for the distinctive upper motor neuron signs displayed by both nclf/nclf and mnd/mnd mice. By crossing nclf/nclf mice with CAST/Ei mice, linkage analysis of nclf with respect to SSLP markers was performed, showing that nclf is located on Chromosome 9 between D9Mit164 and D9Mit165, in a region that is homologous with human Ch 15q21, where the gene for one variant of late infantile NCL, CLN6, recently has been mapped. The genes for two proteolipids known to be stored in lysosomes of animals and people with NCL were also mapped in this study and found not to map to the mnd or nclf loci nor to any mouse locus homologous to any known human NCL disease locus. Am. J. Med. Genet. 77:289–297, 1998.