Studies of Controlled Cyclic Distillation: I. Computer Simulations and the Analogy with Conventional Operation

Computer simulations of a controlled cycling rectification still were run to determine the theoretical effects of local point efficiency, slopes of the equilibrium and operating lines, amount of liquid dropped during the liquid-flow period, and other parameters on over-all column and individual plate efficiencies. It is shown that, although the Murphree vapor efficiency of a plate at any instant of time is assumed to be constant and equal to the local point efficiency, the effective plate efficiency based on the resulting liquid-phase plate compositions is usually significantly greater than the point efficiency. This leads to the improved separating ability achieved in controlled cyclic operation. The existence of a precise analogy between controlled cyclic distillation and conventional distillation with liquid-phase concentration gradients across the plates of the column is shown. In essence, this analogy reduces to the substitution of time as the independent variable in the former case for distance in the latter case.

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