Analysis of Velocity-Flux First-Order System Least-Squares Principles for the Navier--Stokes Equations: Part I

This paper develops a least-squares approach to the solution of the incompressible Navier--Stokes equations in primitive variables. As with our earlier work on Stokes equations, we recast the Navier--Stokes equations as a first-order system by introducing a velocity-flux variable and associated curl and trace equations. We show that a least-squares principle based on L2 norms applied to this system yields optimal discretization error estimates in the H1 norm in each variable, including the velocity flux. An analogous principle based on the use of an H-1 norm for the reduced system (with no curl or trace constraints) is shown to yield similar estimates, but now in the L2 norm for velocity-flux and pressure. Although the H-1 least-squares principle does not allow practical implementation, these results are critical to the analysis of a practical least-squares method for the reduced system based on a discrete equivalent of the negative norm. A practical method of this type is the subject of a companion paper. Finally, we establish optimal multigrid convergence estimates for the algebraic system resulting from the L2 norm approach.