The Degradation of E. coli Messenger RNA by Polynucleotide Phosphorylase*

On incubation of uracil-2-C14 with uracil-starved Escherichia coli for 30 sec. at 37[degree]C, uracil was rapidly incorporated into the(RNA) fraction, The base composition was identical to that of E. coli deoxyribonucleic-acid (DNA). The rapidly C14-uracil labeled RNA (m-RNA) which was selectively degraded by washed ribosome (especially in the presence of 5 X 105 [image] phosphate) yielded nucleoside 5-mono- and diphosphates as the main products. Participation of ribosomal polynucleotide phosphorylase and uncharacterized venom-type phosphodiesterase was stimulated by inorganic P.