The mechanism of the changes in splanchnic blood flow after feeding

Introduction of hydrolysed protein solution into the duodenum increased in the dog hepatic artery and portal venous blood flow. The reaction is, however, smaller than after the introduction of 0.1 N HC1. The introduction of 30% glucose solution has no effect an splanchnic circulation. Splanchnicotomy combined with coeliac ganglion denervation as well as the blockade of the sympathetic alpha receptors abolished the circulatory reaction. Both interventions lead, however, to a decrease is splanchnic vascular resistance similar to that observed after intraduodenal introduction of acid in normal dogs. It is concluded that the circulatory reaction occuring in consequence of the acidifying of duodenal contents after feeding is due to the reduction or abolition of the sympathetic vasomotor tone in the splanchnic vascular bed.