If hens' eggs are treated during the first week of incubation with oestrogen, the male chicks may show signs of feminization [Willier, Gallagher & Koch, 1935, 1937; Dantchakoff, 1938; Wolff & Ginglinger, 1935 a, b; Ludwig & von Ries, 1936, 1937]. An ovary or ovotestis is found in place of the left testis, the right gonad remains more or less rudimentary, while the Mullerian ducts show none of the usual atrophy. The question arises how these hormonally produced sex organs develop during post-natal life. Dantchakoff [1938] allowed a few of these feminized chicks to grow up and found a gradual regression towards the male, both in the gonads and the secondary characters. Ludwig & von Ries, however, observed no such regression. In the present series of experiments 159 chicks derived from eggs treated with oestradiol benzoate were killed at varying times after hatching to give more detailed information about this

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