Electron capture in small-angleAr2++ Ar collisions

Electron capture in Ar2+ + Ar is studied at low keV energies. Using Ar2+ + He collisions as an energy reference we show that the dominant single-electron-capture process is endothermic and of the type Ar2+P3+ArAr+P2+Ar+3s23p4nl. Detailed studies at 2.4 keV show nl to be predominantly 3d and 4p. Weaker exothermic processes are found and due mainly to long-lived, highly excited states of Ar2+. The direct scattering and double-electron-capture channels are also studied. The direct scattering occurs with no Ar-target excitation. Differential cross sections are presented for the collision processes. The single-electron-capture results are interpreted with the use of a simple model in which a strongly attractive intermediate state couples the incident and outgoing channels.

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