Clinical Evaluation of the Microscopic Observation Drug Susceptibility Assay for Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Resistance to Isoniazid or Rifampin

This prospective study evaluated the performance of the m icroscopic o bservation d rug s usceptibility (MODS) assay for the direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug resistance. MODS assay sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were 96.7% (95% confidence interval [95% CI], 92.1 to 98.8%), 78.4% (95% CI, 73.5 to 80.6%), 82.4% (95% CI, 78.4 to 84.2%), and 95.8% (95% CI, 89.9 to 98.5%), respectively, for isoniazid resistance and 96.0% (95% CI, 90.3 to 98.6%), 82.9% (95% CI, 78.8 to 84.7%), 80.0% (95% CI, 75.2 to 82.1%), and 96.7% (95% CI, 91.9 to 98.8%), respectively, for rifampin resistance. For both rifampin and isoniazid testing, the likelihood ratio for a negative test was ≤0.05, indicating that the MODS assay may be useful for ruling out drug resistance.