A number of diamidines have been found to possess effective therapeutic properties for treatment of certain protozoal infections. Some arc-effective in treatment of various bacterial infections also. Discovery of the chemotherapeutic value of this series resulted from the observation that the diamidine, syuthalin, is strongly protozoieidal for trypanosomes. Effective members of this scries include 4,4''-diamidino stilbene (stil-bamidine), 4,4''-diamidino diphenoxy pentane (pentainidine) and 4,4''-diamidino diphenoxy propane (propamidine). Mice, rabbits and cattle tolerate these drugs in doses far greater than effective therapeutic amounts. Toxicity for man appears to be slight although insufficient evidence is as yet available on this point. Following injn., qual. tests demonstrate these compounds in the liver, kidney, intestine, skin, hair and vas deferens of exptl. animals. Clinical trials in man suggest, that these compounds will find practical application in the treatment of leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis, babesiasis and some types of malaria. Chronic wound infections with streptococci and staphylococci have responded satisfactorily to local applications of these compounds. A trial of therapy with diamidines in patients having rheumatoid arthritis resulted in no improvement. 35 refs.

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