Impairment of radial maze delayed nonmatching after lesions of anterior thalamus and parahippocampal cortex.

This study compared the effects of lesions damaging hippocampus-related pathways in anterior thalamus (AT) and parahippocampal (PH) cortex on allocentric spatial memory. Rats were trained to perform radial maze delayed nonmatching (DNM) with random selection of arms to prevent egocentric solutions. After experimental treatment (control, excitotoxic AT, radiofrequency PH, or combined AT-PH lesions), rats were retrained for 30 sessions from 2 to 8 weeks after surgery. Results showed comparable impairments for AT and PH lesions that added without interaction in the combined AT-PH group. During chronic recovery, the AT-PH group exhibited delay-dependent deficits comparable to previous results for hippocampal lesions. Thus, AT and PH lesions appear to have separate effects that together disrupt hippocampus-dependent spatial memory.