Excitation spectra for spin-3/2 systems with high-degree pair interactions

We studied the excitation spectra of a spin-3/2 system with both dipolar and quadrupolar pair interactions. To study the thermal variations of the spectra we calculated the spectral-weight functions by using finite-temperature two-time Green's functions. These functions were evaluated by using the equation-of-motion method and by applying the random-phase decoupling approximation. At low temperatures when the system is ferromagnetically ordered we find for small wave vectors k that the excitation spectra have a quadratic dependence on k. If the dipolar coupling is small compared to the quadrupolar, the system loses its magnetic ordering at a temperature Td but retains quadrupolar order up to a higher temperature Tq. As one increases the temperature from absolute zero, the excitation spectra for small wave vectors gradually change and become linearly dependent on k when Td is reached. In the phase with only quadrupolar order, the excitation spectra remain linear in k. The amplitudes of the excitations are shown to satisfy sum rules and we discuss how these excitations may be observed by inelastic neutron scattering experiments.