Elastic-electron-scattering cross sections forN2from 0 to 1000 eV. Energy-dependent exchange potentials

Integrated and differential cross sections for vibrationally elastic e-N2 scattering from 0 to 1000 eV are calculated by means of the continuum multiple-scattering method (CMSM) with the Hara free-electron-gas and semiclassical exchange approximations. The present results represent a significant improvement over earlier CMSM calculations employing the Slater Xα exchange approximation. The physical basis for this improvement is discussed. Resonance structures appear at 2.4, 13, and 26 eV in the πg, δg, and σu channels, respectively; however, the latter two are very weak and only the σu resonance has been observed in elastic scattering. Agreement between the present calculation and experiment is good over the entire energy range, although at fixed (equilibrium) internuclear distance, the πg resonance is too narrow and high. The agreement at the πg resonance is significantly improved by taking into account the effects of nuclear motion in the adiabatic nuclei approximation.