Mechanism of Impurity Poisoning in the Luminescence of Zinc Sulfide Phosphors with Manganese Activator

An investigation was made of the poisoning effects of iron, cobalt, and nickel impurity in cub.-Zns: Mn phosphors. The parameters varied included: (1) proportion of manganese, (2) proportion of poison impurity, (3) photon energy of the exciting radiation, (4) intensity of the exciting radiation, and (5) operating temperature of the phosphor. Analysis of the results shows that the two most important poisoning mechanisms are: (1) dissipation by poison centers of energy absorbed by the host crystal before this energy has been used to excite activator centers, a mechanism relatively independent of the proportion of manganese and type of poison, and (2) dissipative interaction between activator and poison centers, a mechanism which depends strongly on the proportion of manganese and type of poison. The first mechanism predominates when the primary excitation is absorbed by the host crystal, whereas the second predominates when the activator centers are excited directly.