Fine structure of air shower cores

The fine structure of air shower cores has been studied by the INS 20-m2 spark-chamber array. Fifteen multicore events were found, one of which is a triple-core event. The frequency of occurrence of multicore events is 3% of all showers of size larger than 105. The production height and energy of each subcore were estimated using the calculation of Nishimura and Kidd. The energies of the subcores are found to be above 1013 eV. From the production height and the energy of each subcore, the transverse momentum of the interaction Pt which produced the subcore was estimated. The maximum transverse momentum is about 50 GeV/c. From the 16 transverse momenta, we obtained the spectrum of the transverse momentum above 5 GeV/c. The spectrum is represented by a power law Pt−1.7 ± 0.2, which is quite different from the conventional exponential law.

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