Differential effects of largemouth and smallmouth bass on habitat use by stoneroller minnows in stream pools

Previous investigations of within‐reach distribution patterns of the stoneroller minnow, Campostoma anomalum Rafinesque, suggest that this species behavioural response to piscivorous bass differs among streams with different bass species. This study compares the responses of Camposloma to two common piscivorous fishes, largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides Lacepede, and smallmouth bass, M. dolomieui Lacepede. Field experiments in Brier Creek, Oklahoma, U.S.A. showed that Campostoma responded to the presence of adult largemouth bass by shifting to shallow water habitats (commonly < 20 cm), but responded weakly or not at all to adult smallmouth bass. The magnitude of the response of Campostoma was positively related to activity level of the predators. Differences in behaviour between these two predator species may contribute to the differences in spatial distribution patterns of Micropterus and Campostoma observed in earlier investigations, but differences in stream channel morphology and temperature regimes among streams may also be important.