Statistical Characteristics ics of the Polarization Power Ratio for Radar Return with Circular Polarization

In this paper, the radar return from a clutter target illuminated by acircularly polarized wave is investigated statistically. The ratio of theenvelope of the left circular component to that of the right circularcomponent of the return signal is formed, and the probability densityfunctions and cumulative distributions of this ratio are found forlinear, square, and logarithmic law detectors. Plots of all densities anddistributions are given for several statistically modeled clutter-typetargets with typical depolarizing and back-scattering characteristics.The probability density functions for the ratio signal from a logaritmicic detector are compared for the cases of circularly and linearlypolarized waves incident on the same clutter-type target. Linearpolarization produces the worst case of spreading of the probabilitydensity function from its median value. Plots are given which indicatethat changes in the amount of depolarization by the clutter cause moresignificant changes in the median value of the polarizationration forlinear than for circular polarization.

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