The taxonomy of marine worms belonging to family Nereidae is still in an uncertain state. There are many species, like Nereis diversicolor Müller, N. japonica Izuka and N. limnicola Johnson, which are morphologically similar but have different reproductive habits. Clark (1977) reviewed many examples of reproductive isolation without morphological differentiation in polychaetes including members of the family Nereidae. He also stressed the need for detailed study in such polychaetes where taxonomic confusion exists.Electrophoretic techniques have contributed a great deal in solving taxonomic problems (see Avise, 1975 and Burton, 1983). All electrophoretic methods have proved useful to varying degrees in characterizing specific organisms. In particular, acrylamide gel electrophoresis has seen extensive use because it has excellent resolving power (Brewer, 1970). Studies of the electrophoretic variation of nereid isozymes have not been reported, except by Jones (1970), who examined various polychaetous annelids for the presence of certain dehydrogenases. This present report contains preliminary observations concerning the applicability of isozyme electrophoresis to the study of nereid worms.