Effects of Radio-Tagging on Breeding Behavior of Mourning Doves

Cooing rates of captive unmated male mourning doves (Z. macroura) decreased markedly during a 2-day adjustment period following radio-tagging. In 4 of 7 experimental trials, cooing rates returned to previous levels by the 3rd day. In the other 3 trials cooing rates remained low, but dominance problems related to penning were probably a factor. In 4 of 6 experimental trials, captive radio-tagged males successfully paired with introduced females and began nesting. In the wild, 2 of 5 unmated radio-tagged males successfully paired. Cooing rates of free-flying unmated radio-tagged males were comparable to those of back-tagged males in previous studies (8.7 vs. 8.2-8.9 coos/3 min). Based on 12 experimental trials and observations of 24 free-flying radio-tagged doves (both sexes), radio-tagging did not adversely affect previously established pair bonds.

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