Octet and decuplet baryons in a covariant and confining diquark-quark model

The baryon octet and decuplet masses and Bethe-Salpeter vertex and wave functions are calculated in the ladder approximation to the quark exchange between a scalar or axialvector diquark and a constituent quark. These functions reflecting full Lorentz covariance are given in terms of an expansion in Gegenbauer polynomials. In the rest frame of the baryon, a complete partial wave decomposition of the Bethe-Salpeter wave function is performed. The confinement of quarks and diquarks is implemented via a parametrization of the corresponding propagators. We also discuss some aspects of the momentum routing in the ladder approximation to the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Numerical results for the octet and decuplet masses with broken flavor SU(3) in the conserved isospin limit are presented.

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