Escherichia coli DsbB has four essential cysteine residues, among which Cys41 and Cys44 form a CXXC redox active site motif and the Cys104–Cys130 disulfide bond oxidizes the active site cysteines of DsbA, the disulfide bond formation factor in the periplasm. Functional respiratory chain is required for the cell to keep DsbA oxidized. In this study, we characterized the roles of essential cysteines of DsbB in the coupling with the respiratory chain. Cys104 was found to form the inactive complex with DsbA under respiration‐defective conditions. While DsbB, under normal aerobic conditions, is in the oxidized state, having two intramolecular disulfide bonds, oxidation of Cys104 and Cys130 requires the presence of Cys41–Cys44. Remarkably, the Cys41–Cys44 disulfide bond is refractory to reduction by a high concentration of dithiothreitol, unless the membrane is solubilized with a detergent. This reductant resistance requires both the respiratory function and oxygen, since Cys41–Cys44 became sensitive to the reducing agent when membrane was prepared from quinone‐ or heme‐depleted cells or when a membrane sample was deaerated. Thus, the Cys41–Val–Leu–Cys44 motif of DsbB is kept both strongly oxidized and strongly oxidizing when DsbB is integrated into the membrane with the normal set of respiratory components.